Monday, July 23, 2012

Painting at The Eiteljorg Museum in Indianapolis, 7/21/12

Painting with Pete Brown at The Eiteljorg Museum in Indianapolis, IN.

Daredevil motorcyclist, Cookie Crumb.

8' X 8', aerosol, latex and paint markers on wood panel.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Paintamon on Hiatus

My Paintamon project is going to be on hiatus until after I get finished cleaning, organizing, painting, packing and moving. No definite date yet.

I have a stack of sketches to paint and I'd be happy to continue to take suggestions!

Painting at The Eiteljorg Museum this Saturday!

Once again, I'll be painting with Pete Brown at The Eiteljorg Museum in Indianapolis this Saturday from about 12 to 4. 

What will it be? Even I don't know!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Interview on Steel Horse TV at Southside Harley-Davidson

Check out the video to see Pete Brown's interview (and my hand) on last week's episode of Steel Horse TV! It starts at about 22:35 into the video. Pete explains the project we've been working on over there.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

New Logo Idea [Update]

Messing around with some new logo ideas and website layout.

Never mind, dang it Target.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Painting at Southside Harley-Davidson, Day 2 [Update 7/9]

 Day two at Southside Harley-Davidson went great, another scorcher though, I think it was about 103 degrees. I used the Facebook Pages App on my phone to upload a bunch of photos but they were apparently lost in the ether. Pete did an interview with the Steel Horse TV Show, so we might end up on there this week.

Update 7/9:

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Fourth of July!

Happy 4th of July!

(Yes, I used the same picture as last year, but I dare you to find a better one!)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Shelf Featured on DeviantART: Project Educate 2011 for Veneer

I thought I'd post this one too since it happened last year before I had a site.

V stands for Veneer

Veneer is a thin layer of wood or stone that is layed over another surface for aesthetic reasons. Most common is wood veneer which is thinly sliced wood that is typically glued to plywood or chipboard to improve the look.

Hit the banner to see the article!
From DA:
As part of the #projecteducate Artisan Crafts Week, we are posting an Artisan Crafts ABC. This week long feature will introduce some popular and some unknown techniques from the artisan crafts world. 

Monday, July 2, 2012

Bench Featured on DeviantART: Project Educate for Upholstery

U stands for Upholstery

Refers to the activity of padding, giving new springs, sewing or putting new fabric on furniture, particularly chairs and sofas.

Hit the banner to see the article!
From DA:
Last year `MyntKat did an excellent work putting together an Artisan Crafts ABC for #projecteducate, however the Artisan Crafts are so extensive, diverse and ever-growing that there's still much to cover. In this new Artisan Crafts Week we will explore some different crafts, techniques, materials and popular themes to expand your knowledge of this addictive world. This list is still not complete, and we invite you to share with us your knowledge.