Tuesday, March 31, 2015

New Solo Acoustic from me and @TroyBrownfield this week!
Only three more pages until the end of chapter two! Time to go get caught up with the last TWO years of Solo Acoustic in our archives.

Friday, March 27, 2015

From Troy Brownfield:

So Ben and I were talking about the fact that we've been doing Solo Acoustic for two years...



Kids, the webcomics at www.sparkshooter.com have been doing it a while.
Solo just turned TWO. Sparkshooter just turned THREE.
If you aren’t checking in every week, you’re missing damn good comics from me and Enkaru Other Worlds (Sparkshooter) & me and Ben (Solo) (not to mention Sarah Vaughn, who drew Sparkshooter's first two chapters. Yes, that Sarah Vaughn. Alex + Ada Sarah Vaughn. Rosy Press Fresh Romance Sarah Vaughn).
When you check out our comics and dig them, because you will, feel free to support us in their continued creation here:www.patreon.com/troybrownfield
Read. Enjoy. Share. Read again. 
Thank you!

Monday, March 23, 2015

New Solo Acoustic

New Solo Acoustic from me and @TroyBrownfield today! Catch up on the past TWO YEARS of Solo at Sparkshooter.com

Friday, March 6, 2015

Adventure Time + MTG Token update!

Added a couple new tokens today per a request!

I also added a Donate Button to the Adventure Time + MTG Token page,
If you like or use my tokens, please consider donating!