I've been digging all over the internet for the exact token template you used for these and I can't find it ANYWHERE. Do you have a link to a download where I could get it? I can only find the modern versions, but I much prefer the older-style template that you used here.
Apparently Blogger doesn't let you share files, so let me see if I can find a link. The template I use is called "Chrome Kaldra's Token Template", it's a Photoshop PSD file.
I've been digging all over the internet for the exact token template you used for these and I can't find it ANYWHERE. Do you have a link to a download where I could get it? I can only find the modern versions, but I much prefer the older-style template that you used here.
ReplyDeleteThank you!
Apparently Blogger doesn't let you share files, so let me see if I can find a link. The template I use is called "Chrome Kaldra's Token Template", it's a Photoshop PSD file.