Adventure Time + Magic the Gathering Tokens!

Here are my Adventure Time, Magic the Gathering Tokens!
NOTICE: Due to time constraints with work and other projects I have decided to try requests on a paid basis. Specific requests will be $1 each. If you have a specific request, please submit it using the donate button on the right (You should see a place for notes, if not leave a comment below with your request). No more than five at a time and please allow up to one week for completion. As always, feel free to use the 50+ tokens below for FREE. 

Feel free to download and use these ones! If you use them, please give me credit and tell your friends! Leave any requests in the comments below. I will probably not be updating these to the new card format anytime soon.

I would love to see pictures of these tokens that people have actually printed out and use!
If you do, please leave a comment below and I'll keep making more!

If you like or use my tokens, please consider donating! (Look to the right)

Adventure Time characters and images are owned by Cartoon Network.
Magic the Gathering is owned by Wizards of the Coast.


  1. Slamacow! I am for sure using these

  2. Awesome! Using these for sure. I would love to see human, demon, and angel tokens as well.

  3. These look amazing! I printed off a few as a birthday gift. You can see the pictures here:

    1. Yes! Those look awesome! I've been dying to see these actually printed out by someone!

    2. I'm glad you think they turned out alright.
      Thank you for making them. It was a great idea!

  4. Amazing! Love them. Please do more Saprolings! :D

  5. Could you please make a Bird and a Centaur, I would really appreciate it, Thanks!

  6. I LOVE the Finn and Jake Soldier token! Totally using them for Elspeth and Precinct Captain. I also run Ajani and Brimaz, so I would love to see 2/2 white cat and 1/1 white cat soldier w/ vigilance! You're amazing! Keep it up!

  7. Hunson is a demon not a vampire, just saying :) he eats sandwiches .. not shades of red or blood

  8. Can you make a 2/2 red green satyr with haste and a 3/4 flying white bird?

    1. Bird? No prob!
      Satyr? I'll see what I can find!

  9. Any chance of seeing a Rat Token?
    Or even a Pack Rat Token?

  10. I´m doing some adventura time tolkens on my own.
    I´m using the swamp giant as a satyr and for the 3/4 birds I´m using Greed Lards!

  11. Is there a chance for elf warrior, elephant and minotaur tokens?

    1. Added some Elf Warrior, Elephant and Minotaur Tokens!

  12. awsome!!! Any chance of seeing a Elemental red 1/1 ?

  13. Can you pleeeeeaaaaaaseee make a couple of 1/1 red Soldier tokens with haste? :3 <333

  14. I used your goblins today and they did better than regular goblins! ^^

  15. Not sure why, but the comment I tried to leave a couple of days ago never appeared. Ah well, trying again.
    These tokens rock, and I used your Minotaurs for my Minotaur deck. Printed on regular printer paper, with MTG booster pack advertisement cards stuck behind them in the sleeve to make them less floppy. And they are awesome! Here's a photo.

    Totally mathematical.

  16. Could you do some Kithkin Soldiers? :D

  17. Dude, I loved your tokens so much I actually printed them in High Res for my oken. I'm actually not missing to many. If you could do them, my hole cube would have tokens made by you:
    1. Pack rat token
    2. Elemental */* from (Voice of Resurgence)
    3. Ajani's */* who's power and thoughness are each equal to your life total
    4. 1/1 black snake with deathtouch
    5. 2/2 green/red satyr with haste
    6. 2/1 black warrior
    7. 1/1 flying black fairy rogue
    8. Wurm tokens from Wurmcoil Engine
    9. 1/1 white Kithkin Soldier
    10. 1/1 green flying deathtuch insect
    11. */* black horror token
    12. 1/1 blue flying illusion
    13. 1/1 white warrior
    14. 9/9 blue kraken
    15. 1/1 white monk with prowess
    16. 1/1 red elemental token with haste

    1. It'll probably be a little bit, but I'll see what I can do!

    2. I just did a very small donation (5 dollars), I hope it helps :)

    3. That's awesome, thanks a lot!

    4. Hi, did you find time to make some of the tokens? :D

    5. Sorry I haven't yet, I've been working a ton of overtime since July. I'm hoping to have some time at the end of the week!

    6. Put up Rat (Pack Rat), Elemental (Voice), Avatar (Ajani Goldmane), Snake, Kithkin Soldier and Horror!

  18. Here is a photo of all the tokens I have printed :)

  19. I loved your work, and if kt wasn't too much to ask, i know there's already 3 2/2 green wolf tokens, but i would love an whywolf picture in one of then, The one with The pipe *-*

    1. Thanks, I'll see if I can find a good image!

  20. I'm not sure if my previous comment was sent so I'll send another one, could you please do some 1/1 white warrior creature tokens thanks

  21. Hey! Just came across these (as a huge adventure time fan and also playing magic the Gathering) I was wondering if you would make more 1/1 red elementals using different fire people from the fire Kingdom or maybe Fire Princess herself (as you already have the fire king xD)

    And also what would be a good idea for the 3/1 red elementals with trample and haste would be the fire wolves x3

  22. Hey as a big fan of adventure time and magic the Gathering, I was wondering if you would consider making more 1/1 red elementals using different fire people from the fire Kingdom or maybe Fire Princess herself!

    And what would be an awesome idea for the 3/1 elementals with trample and haste would be the fire wolves

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I would love to see Gunter's alterned form (Orgalorg) as an 10/10 Eldrazi token!

  25. I already printed Spirits, Soldiers, Knight ally, and Vampires for my BW tokens deck. Can't wait for the 1/1 black faerie rogues (and maybe servos at some point...)

    Thanks in advance! I will donate if I see them!
